Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Where Is the Proposed Power Distributing Station Location?

DWP has proposed the distributing station be located on an approximately 1.9 acre undeveloped lot immediately adjacent to Marquez Charter (the “Marquez Lot”) at 16931 Marquez Avenue, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272.  The location is in the heart of Marquez Knolls, a quiet residential enclave populated by many families with young children.  The site is bordered by single-family homes to the south and the east, a canyon of natural vegetation to the west, and Marquez Charter to the north.  The Marquez Lot borders the entire length of the southern fence of the Marquez Charter lower playground. 

The homes surrounding and the elementary school directly adjacent to the Marquez Lot were developed in the 1950s.  Around 1969, DWP set out to acquire a site for an eventual second distributing station in the Palisades.  Exercising a “low-key community involvement approach” (i.e., a tactic “involving the ‘interested individuals and public organizations’ only after permit applications are filed’”), DWP reviewed three potential sites in Marquez Knolls and decided to acquire the Marquez Lot.  Without focusing on public safety or the environment, DWP settled on the Marquez Lot primarily because of its “lowest overall cost.”  Remarkably, in a 1969 Site Selection Report, DWP partially attributed the lot’s “remarkably low” land value to its being “within a known unstable area.”  Undeterred by the site’s geological problems, DWP initiated condemnation proceedings to obtain the land by force when purchase negotiations apparently failed. 

In 1971, DWP applied for a Conditional Use Permit from the City Planning Department to allow construction of a distributing-station on the residential-zoned lot.  At the time, the CUP was quietly approved without the benefit of today’s broad array of environmental protection laws and regulations.  Regardless, DWP ultimately shelved the project for nearly four decades, and the Marquez Lot remained undeveloped.  Meanwhile, the surrounding residential area flourished, as did Marquez Charter next door.

In 2010, DWP renewed its interest in building a second distributing station in addition to the existing one in the Palisades Village area.  DWP re-evaluated whether the Marquez Lot was still preferable or if a better site for the proposed distributing-station existed.  DWP started preparing an “Addendum” to its original 1969 Site Selection Report and retained outside environmental consultants to prepare a parallel “Comparative Site Evaluation.”  Completed in 2011, the studies confirmed the many environmental and safety problems regarding the Marquez Lot raised by the community since the February Town Hall. 

These 2011 site selection and evaluation studies further identified a new preferred site for the proposed distributing station – an approximately 1.2 acre L-shaped property located at the southwestern tip of Topanga State Park and that wraps around Fire Station 23.  Accordingly, DWP preliminarily inquired with State Parks about acquiring the land.  DWP also consulted certain “individuals of influence around the Fire Station Site.”  DWP’s trail of internal correspondence suggests that, upon encountering their resistance, DWP redirected its focus to the Marquez Lot, likely in hopes of garnering more support for putting the proposed distributing station there instead.   

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Coalition of Palisadians to Keep Marquez Safe was founded in February 2012 in response to the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s ...